Who has something to gain
Who has something to gain? Cui bono?
If the Chariho parents, voters, and taxpayers approve the $150M bond obligation?
Some are quite obvious . . .
➢ Bond buyers. Bond sellers. Bond traders.
➢ Architects. Engineers. Designers. Purchasing agents.
➢ Construction workers. Contractors. Building material vendors.
➢ Rhode Island Department of Education
➢ The S/L/A/M Collaborative – Architecture. Engineering. Construction
➢ The New England Collaborative – High Performance Schools
➢ The High Performance - Net-Zero Warriors
➢ The High Performance - Climate Change Champions
➢ The High Performance - Sustainability Crusaders
➢ Chariho’s Superintendent
➢ Chariho’s School Committee
➢ Chariho’s Director of Finance & the Director of Building & Grounds
What about the STUDENTS?
➢ The 50% who cannot even read at grade level?
➢ The 70% who cannot do math at grade level?
➢ The 243 kids who will lose their special “learning community” on the hill?
What about the PARENTS?
➢ What will they gain? Other than a bigger tax bill?
➢ Will they see higher performance in their children’s education?
➢ Will they vote “No” on May 7th? While their voice and their vote still count?
Cui bono – Cicero:“the principle that probable responsibility for an act or event lies with the one having something to gain.”
By Tom Marron